Welcome to the
McLean Circuit Court
i-Juror Information Website
About the Commission
The Jury Commission is established by Illinois Compiled Statute. The Jury Commission consists of three commissioners who are appointed by the Circuit Court. Each serves a three-year term, on a rotating basis.
The duties of the commissioners are outlined by Illinois Compiled Statutes pertaining to obtaining a random selection of McLean County citizens to serve as jurors. The administration of the Jury Commission duties is performed by the staff of the Jury Commission office. The jury coordinator is appointed by the Circuit Court in conjunction with the commissioners. The jury coordinator administers the office of the Jury Commission and coordinates the schedules and activities of the commissioners. Three staff members assist in the operation of the office.
Purpose & Function
The purpose of the Jury Commission is to provide the jurors necessary to serve the needs of the Circuit Court, the state's attorney, and the coroner of McLean County in a manner strictly outlined by Illinois Compiled Statutes.
The functions of the office of the Jury Commission are:
To follow the direction of the Circuit Court
To provide 48 venires of jurors for jury duty each year
To mail of summonses
To Provide information and assistance to summoned jurors
To defer jurors
The orientation of jurors
The assignment of jurors
To provide verification of jury duty to employers
To ensure payment for jury service
These duties are accomplished in a fair manner to minimize the intrusion of jury duty into the lives of the citizens of McLean County.